Do you need to worry about site speed? How do you know if your site speed is bad? What impact does speed have in Google search rankings?
There is no denying that good site speed is going to lead to a better experience for your blog readers. Who wants to stick around on a site that takes forever to load or doesn’t look right when it does.
With the Google Page Experience update this year, it has had a new focus as sites scrambled to improve site speed. What can you do if it’s something your blog is struggling with?
Unfortunately, there’s no magic button to improve site speed and, in this episode, I walk you through the things you can do to have a big impact.
If you care about search traffic and giving your blog readers a great experience, you won’t want to miss this!
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Download my Zero to SEO Hero Checklist to help you optimise new blog posts for SEO.
Here’s an overview of what we talked about today:
- Why is site speed important
- How can you tell if your site has speed issues
- What you can do to improve your site speed
This episode is sponsored by my brand new course, SEO Fast Track, your complete step-by-step system for how to kick butt with SEO across your blog for the low, low cost of $97.

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I have many great episodes coming up and this will make sure you don’t miss them.
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Links Mentioned In This Episode (And Other Helpful Resources)
- SEO Fast Track
- Google PageSpeed Insights
- Ezoic – make sure you use their Leap speed tool
- Cloudflare
- Perfmatters – plugin to help with speed
- DNW – Making Money From Blogging Facebook Group
Click here to download my Zero to SEO Hero Checklist to help you optimise new blog posts for SEO.
You can ask questions about this episode (or anything else) in the DNW Facebook group at
Next episode, I talk about annual content updates on your blog. Every year, I update all performing content across all my sites. It’s a big task, but it gets great results. Click here to listen to it for all my tips for what you should be doing in this area.