As 2023 progresses, I’m getting closer and closer to going all in with my Malaysia site part of my business. In this update, I’m talking about the further changes I’m making to be able to do this.
I’m also talking about retiring the courses part of my business after hitting a big technical problem. It’s time to move on from this.
I discuss my latest case study and what I’m doing next to grow my Malaysia site, make it unique and hopefully futureproof it.
If you are someone who loves to learn about decisions you can make in your business by listening to what others are doing then you’ll love this podcast episode. You get an insider’s look into what I’m going right now, why I need to make big changes and the changes I’m making.
It’s all in this episode!
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Here’s an overview of what we talked about today:
- Selling my sites
- Retiring my courses
- What I will be doing on DNW
- Next steps on my Malaysia site (case study update)

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Links Mentioned In This Episode
- Episode 29 – Why I’ve moved away from having DNW as a focus of my business
- Case study updates
- Travel Blog Summit in Nashville
- Tbex Africa
Click here to join the 5 Day Goal Setting Challenge!
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Next episode, I‘ll be sharing more exciting insights. I look forward to chatting to you then.