Should you update blog content? What difference does it have? When should you do it? How should you do it?
Updating blog content is a great way to not just make your blog the best it can be but to also get lots more search traffic. I find it such an important part of my blogging business that I update all performing blog content annually. Yes, annually.
In fact, I dedicate two months of the year to this feat across my team.
In this episode, I walk you through everything you need to know so you can perform an annual update on your blog(s) too including why you should do one, which time of year is best to do it, how to prioritise what to update and what exactly to update for great results.
For those of you who want to outsource this update, I also walk you through how I do this.
If you care about search traffic, you won’t want to miss this!
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Download my Zero to SEO Hero Checklist to help you optimise new blog posts for SEO.
Here’s an overview of what we talked about today:
- Why you should do an annual update
- When you should do an annual update
- How to prioritise posts for your update
- How to update your posts
- Tips for using a team to help you perform your annual update
This episode is sponsored by my brand new course, SEO Fast Track, your complete step-by-step system for how to kick butt with SEO across your blog for the low, low cost of $97.

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Links Mentioned In This Episode (And Other Helpful Resources)
- KeySearch (and my full review here)
- My 10 Minute SEO Tip
- SEO Fast Track
- DNW – Making Money From Blogging Facebook Group
Click here to download my Zero to SEO Hero Checklist to help you optimise new blog posts for SEO.
You can ask questions about this episode (or anything else) in the DNW Facebook group at
Next episode, I am looking for your podcast requests! Let me know what you would like me to talk about in the comments below. I look forward to talking to you then.